Settlers of Catan drawings 11-17

This is what I’ve gotten done since the last post

Settlers of Catan drawing 11
Settlers of Catan drawing 12
Settlers of Catan drawing 13
Settlers of Catan drawing 14 WIP 1
Settlers of Catan drawing 15
Settlers of Catan drawing 16
Settlers of Catan drawing 17

The current bunch of paintings are dogs that fit the resource theme, the previous one was landscapes with a religious undertone.

Settlers of Catan drawings 8-10

This is what I’ve gotten done since the last post

Settlers of Catan drawing 8 – Edge piece 2
Settlers of Catan drawing 9 – Forest 2
Settlers of Catan drawing 10 – Pasture 2

This time round the paintings are landscapes with religious meaning behind them. I ran out of yellow paint, so I haven’t finished today’s painting yet but I’m in the middle of getting it done.

Art Update

Due to personal reasons I don’t plan on discussing I’ve decided to change what it is that I draw. So for now on I will never again draw things in a way that on the surface level at least is not scary as in if I now would draw a spider it won’t be over size and putting silk all over a creature bigger than what a Goliath birdeater would eat. Also humanoid drawings will now be done only in a cartoon style instead of a semi- realistic art style because of how I’ve used my artistic freedom while drawing, it has caused problems I could have avoided if only I had thought about if the thing I’m drawing could speak, would they like the drawing I made of them. I made some bad life choices and I’m in the middle of fixing the problems because they make my disability stronger.

Lehi’s vision

This drawing is based on 1 Nephi chapters 8&11 from a second hand view. In a dark and dreary wilderness there’s a beautiful white tree that exceeds the whiteness of the driven snow whose fruit was desirable to make one happy, a rod of iron, a mist of darkness, a great and spacious building, the only part that is mainly based on my artistic freedom instead of word for word, along with the fact that there was a lot of people going to all of the locations in the drawing I didn’t add. Then there’s also a fountain of filthy water that makes a river with water that drags you away, and forbidden roads which those who become ashamed of the gospel end up traveling and those who get lost in the mist. There’s more to it but this is what I felt like drawing. Someone I know wanted me to draw this for them and after over a month of working on it I finally got it finished. It took me about 6 hours and 25 minutes of time to work on it. I no longer feel like posting the all art supplies, but this is a mixed media art work that I tried out Stuart Semple art products including White 2.0 acrylic paint and black and white ink. The text on the building says “free cookies (only the first one)”